L.A. Noire will have you feeling like you're controlling the events of an action-packed, suspenseful, realistic movie.

User Rating: 9 | L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition PC
The Good:
-increasing difficultly as you progress in missions (e.g. suspects in vehicle chases take sharper turns, more civilians get in the way, suspects are better at concealing their emotions and lies, etc.)
-lengthy game (18 hours for the main story alone)
-tons of side missions (i.e. "street crimes")
-countless types of authentic vehicles
-different detective outfits that have their advantages (e.g. more damage resistance)
-varying environments/scenery while exploring
-intriguing and unique characters with authentic personalities
-a captivating and in-depth story with plot twists and a good ending
-unprecedented, realistic facial animation and voice acting
-overall good balance of shooting and mystery solving
-great physics during shootouts (e.g. your hat falling off, pillars crumbling, etc.)
-authentic and engrossing atmosphere
-detailed crime scenes and personal belongings make investigating interesting and fun
-great soundtrack that truly adds to the game's events as they occur

The Bad:
-some side missions get repetitive or are very short
-the shooting mechanics are solid, but lack more depth than other shooters (e.g. you can only carry one weapon, you can't personalize your load out like in GTA, however it is understandable since the game's focus is on mystery and crime solving, but it would have been nice)
-some cases or moments in the story can get dull
-despite the ridiculously easy missions in the beginning that help the player learn, there is still a learning curve when interpreting suspects (for me at least)
-some restrictions during pursuits and shoot-outs feel artificial (e.g. approaching a vehicle from one side only for a cut scene to trigger with you approaching from the opposite side)
-some lack of connection between missions feels awkward (e.g. convicting the wrong person only for your mistake to be ignored, moving onto your next case like nothing ever happened)

L.A. Noire is simply a great game. The GS review states it perfectly when it says L.A. Noire is a "unique game with a terrific sense of period atmosphere, absorbing investigation mechanics, and a haunting tale with plenty of moments that would be right at home in a classic film noir". You actually feel like you are controlling the events of a movie as you progress throughout the story. The game does have some small hiccups that could be easily corrected in a sequel, but overall the game is amazing. You definitely get your money's worth as well. For those strictly looking for another generic shooter, you may be disappointed. But for those that can appreciate the game's suspenseful and grimy story, realistic surroundings, and fun crime solving/investigating, this game will definitely be one you remember.