Great game

User Rating: 9.5 | Knights of Honor PC
My english is too limites so i cant write a proper review:)
I played it all..from AOE1 to MTW2(i was a vet mtw1/mtw2 player)
but KOH is realy somethin special.

Never got so much fun playing a game.
The graphic style, music, voice actors, the game so much atmosphere, u realy feel like ur in a medieval world, managing ur kingdom.
There is so much to do in this outstanding RTS/worldmap/worlddomination mix, u never get bored.

Its all in 2d, (maybe thats the reason why the game was not popular)but it fits(once u get used to the 2d) very nice the medieval age and gave the game a realy superb atmosphere.

Just test the Demo, learn the basics, and then learn by playing, i garant u cant stop playing this anymoore, when u see how much options u got to manage ur kingdom(great diplomacy, spys, knightystem......just test it