Beneath it's simple surface lies a complex and intriguing interior...

User Rating: 7 | Knights of Honor PC
You may not be blown away by the isometric view reminiscent of late 90s RTSs, but look closer and you realise there is a complex game waiting to be unravelled.

This game is basically Total War without the fancy graphics but much better diplomaic a.i.

You play the game in real-time though you can speed up or slow down the game if need be.

Battles can be auto-resolved or you can enter the field and take personal command, again reminiscent of Total War. Note that the graphics are pretty mediocre and the battles require litttle strategic thinking.

The goal is to be crowned leader of Europe. You move armies across a civ like map showing major cities and its surrounding farms etc.

In terms of diplomacy you have many options. You can demand tribute, offer conditional peace, declare war, marry off your royal offspring just to name a few.

The enemy A.I is no fool and if you show weakness you're basically finished.

You have a royal court which can hold up to 9 characters. You can assign each character as one of : Cleric/Marshal/Spy/Merchant/Landlord/Builder/Governor

This may feel restirctive to only have so few slots but it prevents you from spaming armies and ammassing huge amounts of gold.

One gripe is that it takes ages to build things so you may want to speed up the game while building.

This game is certaintly not for everyone and requires patience. Lots and lots of patience. Swarming and mass rushes will not get you anywhere in this RTS.

Recommended for history buffs and players who like slow paced games.