very fun, but nobody knows of it

User Rating: 9.1 | Knights of Honor PC
This game is fun, the multi-player is kind of lame, but in single-player, you get to control a whole country and conquer all of Europe, or you can just sit and let the world go about its courses of wars and rebellions, countries rise and fall and you get to be a part of it all.

the graphics are good for this type of game, and the game play is very fun, i only wish you could have more marshals then they give you. when you have a vast empire you just don't get enough of them to properly defend it all. But this game is highly addictive, i have spend many many hours plotting conquest, playing diplomat, and turning allies against each other.

all in all this game is by far the best of its kind, no game has had all the features this has, it has city building, and army control. this game is something everyone should consider getting, just for the simple fact that you can chance the history of the world.