The embodiment of childhood. This is a fun platformer that everyone can enjoy.

User Rating: 9 | Kirby's Epic Yarn WII

Kirby's epic yarn is a great plat former for all ages. The game mixes interesting environments and scenarios to create a truly fun adventure.

Gameplay: Epic Yarn deviates from the tried and true Kirby formula to create something fresh and unique. Major gameplay changes include kirby's lack of sucking. Instead he gets a useful yarn whip that can roll enemies into throwable balls of yarn, break blocks, grapple onto buttons, and interact with the environment. Just one look at the trailer tells you that Epic Yarn has a very distinct art style. This art style isn't just for looks though. Everything behaves like it looks. For instance, by yanking on a button you can fold the environment allowing you to cross gaps. You can even go behind the backgrounds. Stamps and treasure chests are peeled off of the environment to reveal secrets. All in all, the arts and crafts gimmick is pretty fun. There are also transformations that offer completely new experiences. Sometimes you might participate in a car race or fly a rocket through an arcade shooter level. These transformations keep action diverse.

Level Design: The level layout of Kirby's Epic yarn is almost perfect. Almost every level offers a completely new environment. One level you'll be in a dinosaur jungle, the next you might be in a snowy cabin. This keeps the experience fresh and interesting. In levels you get a pretty good amount of exploration. There are 3 treasure chests in each level. One contains music and the other 2 contain furniture. Furniture is used to attract new friends in the main town that will give you side quests such as races and escort missions. These are necessary to reach 100 percent and are pretty enjoyable.

Difficulty: You can't die. There, I said it. No matter how hard you try you won't be able to kill your self. Rather then getting hurt when you receive damage or fall in a pit you lose a lot of beads, the currency in the game. Beads are required to unlock bonus levels and extra content. In way falling down a big pit and losing half your beads might be considered a death, as you sometimes have no way to recover them all. This scenario really only happens later in the game though. Also the bonus levels do offer more of a challenge. The game succeeds in offering some challenge, but never frustration.

Audio: Kirby's epic yarn features a slew of new songs that suit the environment perfectly. There are even remixes of old songs such as the classic Green Greens and Bubbly Clouds. The cutscenes are told by a narrator as if it were a children's book. The narrator is really hit or miss depending on the person. I honestly found it charming but others might find it a bit cheesy.

Graphics: the graphics of kirby's epic yarn are the star of the show. The arts and crafts theme creates a cheery and at times stunning environment.

Multiplayer: Kirby's epic yarn does have a co-op multiplayer mode where player two plays as prince fluff. How the experience fares depends on your P2. If you really want beads then you might get frustrated when prince fluff throws you into lava by accident. If you don't care though then I strongly recommend a P2. Player 2 gets to participate in transformations also. In some transformations like the UFO player 2 will get a UFO for himself. In other transformations such as the mech P2 will get to operate a robot arm on the mech. The P2 doesn't work well on a few transformations though.

Overall Effect: Kirby's Epic yarn is pure, unadulterated fun. This game is the embodiment of childhood.The cute and pleasant graphics really sell the effect. The game keeps you interested without frustrating you. Some may still find it too easy. If you don't enjoy this game there just might be something wrong with you.