A charming, joyous game for everyone to enjoy.

User Rating: 9 | Kirby's Epic Yarn WII
OK... I know I'm in the minority when I say this, but I don't really enjoy Mario games. I find them frustratingly difficult at times, but more than anything it's the lack of variety.

Then along comes this.

I mention Mario games because Kirby's Epic Yarn is a 2D side scrolling platform game like New Super Mario Brothers is. The difference for me is that whereas NSMB has you predictably collecting coins, jumping on enemies' heads and fighting Bowser as gamers have been doing again and again for years, Kirby's Epic Yarn is full of nice surprises.

It's also a lot easier than NSMB, which isn't to say that there isn't a challenge there for those who want it. Finding all the treasure, items and jewels in a level isn't straight forward, but you can also finish a level at a relaxing pace and enjoy the luscious visuals, sounds and music.

Kirby's Epic Yarn is a beautiful, joyous game that is an essential edition to any Wii owner's collection.