Total war online is an interesting idea, and this game does a good job of making use of the online, despite some flaws.

User Rating: 8.1 | Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders XBOX
This is a good game, not perfect. The total war theme works well in this game, but the lag and the extremely annoying camera are some big flaws that wont be easy to forgive. Your first reaction will be WOW, then after about 2 hours you will see that you ahve already milked the game empty of all of what is has to offer. For being in the shop for over a year, its surprising that this game didnt make a better effort to put more into itself. Relatively few game modes, half decent graphics, bad lag and a camera that seems to move at will are easy fixes that could have been repaired through another month in testing, but this game comming out so near halo 2 didnt have enough time. The total war feeling this game gives is superb, but it feels like a typical hack and slah otherwise, props for the idea, thumbs down for what is a merely ok result.