Some levels are too hard, and require checkpoints badly. The action/graphics are really great.

User Rating: 7.3 | Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders XBOX
Graphics are quite good XBOX quality, especially impressive massive amounts of people that are involved in battles and the game engine never slows down even a bit! But these characters are also all clones and don’t appear any different than one another. To classify this game, it’s real time stragedy, rpg, action.

I finished the Humans Campaign, and the Luccedia (Dark Elf) campaigns. I liked the Dark Elf missions more than the Human ones. There were two harder campaigns which I didn’t get far in; they were not very interesting to waste time to get any further in. This game was also too hard in some places, and there weren’t any checkpoints to make things less frustrating.

Theres 4 campaigns in total, and you can play 2 at the start, but need to finish the Dark Elf one to unlock the others. It seems about 10 hours at least for each campaign. So there's easily 40 hours or more in this game. Story line is all linked together throughout the different campaigns.

The controls in this game are quite good once you get the hang of it. It can be hectic when your new at controlling them at first. Using the map is essential for movements and healing. Calvary was very hard for me at first, untill I learned I could make a ton of movement checkpoints on the map and have them run up and down while I controlled my main infantry troop. All combat is real time and once you get good at handling your troops you can use better tactics in defeating the enemy.

Voice acting is badly done mostly, but the ingame rendered cutscenes set up each mission well. The rpg elements such as skill gain, did help me stay with this game longer than I probably would have.

Real time strategy/action games like this are difficult to do on a console, and this game did it better than expected.