Massive battles and strategy make it a pretty good game but it has some major flaws...

User Rating: 9.6 | Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders XBOX
As you start a new game you come to one of the major flaws or dissapointments. The game has no beginning video and doesn't have any actual voices when discribing the background. So you have to sit there for a while and read the stuff on screen to get what the game is about. To make things worse, the story line is super thin. Once you get past the prologe and the background you have a choice of campaigns. You can choose from four people or races I should say. Gerald: Human (a completely weird name for a medieval setting), Lucreatia: Dark Legion (more like a dark elf), Kendal: Human, and Regnier: Dark Legion. Kendal and Regnier are only available after beating Lucretia's campaign as it is harder the Gerald's. Each character has about ten or so missions to go through yet they're all very difficult at times. This game is HARD. The only other thing I can pick on is the camera. At times it can get so annoying that you want to throw your controller out the window. Other than that its very fun. Once you get close enough to an enemy it goes into a hack-n-slash type of game where you're controlling the leader of your troop (Gerald, Lucretia, Kendal, Regnier). It's extremely fun though and the flaws are easy to overlook.

Pretty average... It's deffidently not going to overheat your Xbox, that's for sure. It's a not bad but not great situation. The seem to do a good job on the female parts cause for one, all the dark legion troops are girl elves or guy orcs and two all the dark legion girls are barely wearing anything or wearing see-through stuff. It doesn't show them nude though, but it's pretty dang close to it, not that I'm complaining or anything :).

What can I say, sounds pretty dang good! You can here the victory screams of the glorious humans guys and girls alike and the screams of the dark elves and orcs in hi-def. You can hear everything finely and clearly.

Value and Reviewers Tilt-
For a cheap price of about $20 you can easily pick this game up and hardly put it down. It's a great buy to keep you busy for awhile or if you just want to escape for about 20 hours. I say buy it; it's cheap, it's fun and it's easy to pick up.