Someone forgot to add the pause key.

User Rating: 8.1 | Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders XBOX
Pretty much the only gripe I have with this game is a lack of a way to pause and issue commands in a god mode type of camera view of the battle field. If there was only 1 party it would be fine, but when I need to repeatedly issue troop order to cavalrys in the midst of battle it gets annoying and I end up forgetting them. I feel it would be far more tactical if this process was implemented. This game has your usual mix of elves, dwarves, orcs and other fantasy creatures. There is a heap of things you can do to in between battles like upgrade troops, select abilites etc. hire mercenaries. You can select what troops you take to most of the battles, and how they are equipped and what they should do It's a bit daunting for a newbie though. Battles are truly awesome and your heroes are pretty damn powerful with huge devastating attacks. Masses of units fighting onscreen with no lag time. I really liked the story too, and the dialogue was pretty funny. Music is great, heavy metal, but I find after a while I turn it off as it does get a tad repitive on the long missions. The only thing from stopping me from giving this a 9+ is battles can get huge and confusing and it just cannot be micromanaged effectively in real time with a controller. Otherwise probably the best action game on xbox. Lots of replay value as well in how you do some of the missions. A single player random map type generator where you could make up your own battles would have been pretty much perfect as well.