It manages to sacrifice every vestige of fun from any game any company has ever done. Ever.

User Rating: 3.5 | Kingdom Under Fire: A War of Heroes PC
This game is a mess. The only thing good about it is that it gives me confidence that some day I, too, can spew poo from my mind and eventually slither onto a game development team. If you want Diablo, play Diablo or Dungeon Siege. If you want Warcraft, play Warcraft or some other excellent RTS. If you want to blend those two, play SOME game, but avoid this one at all costs. It is a derivative homage to Blizzard's computer hits, but for all its imitative elements, it manages to sacrifice every vestige of fun from any game any company has ever done. Ever. From the slooooooooooow action pacing to the inane writing to the laughable production elements from every other angle, this game makes a mockery of what it means for a game developer to be inspired by one of its peers. The graphics are OKAY, in light of the rest of the game being a steaming heap of rancid guano. If you absolutely must, must, MUST play another fantasy style game RIGHT NOW... no. Even then, I can't think of a reason to recommend this over any game. It's terrible. On a related note, I have a lovely coaster to trade anyone who wants it. This thing is stinking up my CD binder.