Not a very good game. The only thing good about it is the great humor.

User Rating: 2 | Kingdom of Loathing WEB
I did not enjoy this game much at all. Its just a bunch of stick pictures and you basically just click around. The humor was good and the game has plenty of references to movies and the like. The chat is boring and the people on it usually type random things. Although I must admit, the community is rather friendly, as when I needed something for a quest, someone sent it to me.

There is a limit to how much you can play Kingdom of Loathing in one day. The game is obviously meant to be played at short intervals every day, as it does get boring quickly, and the limit I just mentioned, which lets you explore only a certain amount; every time you click on an area, you use an "adventure point". Whille you can restore a few adventure points and continue exploring, after a while you'll just have to wait for your adventre points to be restored, which happens automatically every day.

The game may keep you busy for a while if you're really bored, but it may actually make you feel even more bored...