silly game with silly system

User Rating: 3 | Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories PS2
Im Very Disapointing i dont like the new battle combat the worst game ever is better kingdom hearts 1 and 2 this one suck i dont know how square like to complicate gameplay is better to do a real time battles i hope birth by sleep and kh ds is not like this.
And These are the same levels of kingdom hearts i hate square when they do things like final fantasy and kingdom hearts with combat like these cards are booooring and turn based battles. The worst series and i hope final fantasy have better combat because if it stills turn base im not going to buy it i hate turn base makes the game boring.
Please Square do games with nice combat not with these crapp.
And I Hope that Square remake kingdom hearts 1 and 2 to the xbox 360 in hd with achievements.
A lot Of Xbox 360 fans wants kingdon hearts please do it.... minimum your going to sell 1 million copies of kh 1 and 2 be smart square and do it.