The remake Kingdom Hearts fans from the USA were waiting for.

User Rating: 8 | Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories PS2
This was originally released as a GBA game. It wasn't as popular as the first, but it had it's own share of fun with anyone who played it. Then it was remade as a second disk in the Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix, but only in Japan. People in the USA who were fans of the series were wanting to play the remake, but it was only available to Japan until a 1-2 years later were is was finally release as a stand alone title. First I just like to comment on the cover. I know it's random, but I think the cover is just awesome, just to say. Now the game compared to the GBA version had better graphics, new features from the first game, and also voice acting. The controls also were made a bit easier, in my opinion, so you wouldn't have to use any combination of the same 4 buttons to do certain things. I also liked it that they added the triangle attack feature use from Kingdom Hearts II. The story was basically the same as the GBA version, but for anyone who never played it can get sucked in if they love the Kingdom Hearts series. Basically it had all the worlds from the first game expect for 'End of the World' and the Tarzan World. It did though feature Twilight Town first if you're going by story line wise. Now this game does a great job of connecting Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. It tells both the story at Sora's and Riku's point of view in Castle Oblivion. It also did a really good job of showing what happened to the nobodies that didn't make it to the 2nd Kingdom Hearts. When you compare the game play of Riku's and Sora's stories it's different. Sora has a customizable deck, but Riku has a special think called Duel when your card value ties a enemy. The game is something I love about it. I prefer playing Riku's story, but it's extremely short. You can sit there and beat his story in 4 hours if you did good enough. I would prefer this game over Kingdom Hearts, but it still isn't as good as the second.