Godd game, but has flaws.

User Rating: 8 | Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep PSP
When playing Birth By Sleep, I thought it was well worth a 9.5. However, as I kept playing it over and over again, the flaws became apparent and my interest has decreased.


Story: As you play the game, it has three different stories: Aqua, Ven, and Terra. They all have their unique views and will interest you throughout the game.

Gameplay: It is a mixture of everything within the series to make it fresh and new. Gone are all the cinematic spamming that was in Kingdom Hearts 2 and is replaced with input commands that are less tedious. Command decks are basically from Chain of Memories, but is much easier to chain (LOL see what I did there?) and preform combos better.

Difficulty: The game is somewhat balanced and will give newer players and easier time. Nowhere near the challenge of the first game, but it is nowhere near the easiness of the second.

Graphics: It looks great as a PS2 game. Keyblades on the other hand, look flat but it is on a psp game. It has detail in every level and characters look great too.

Music: Some recycled songs here and there, but it mixes well and will hardly be noticed. It goes well in any place.

Re playability: Each has their own pace and will take a long time to get everything in each of them.


The loading times: This game looks great, but not without it's issues. It will slow down in places and in gameplay too. There is an option to increase performance and loading times, but it will drain the battery life of your psp much faster.

Terra's voice: Well, you know.....

The Mini games: I really doubt anyone is gonna go to the mini games, unless it is part of the story. Most of the mini games have no verity and is very tiring.

The Camera: When you lock on to something, sometimes the camera will zoom out and zoom back in. There are also times when the lock on just goes away. Understandable if it was a teleporting enemy, but to everything else is questionable.

The environments: It looks great, but when you explore places, it is wide and linear. There is very little obstacles and all you have to do is to defeat the unversed and gain experience.

Verdict: This game is a great RPG for the PSP regardless of it's issues. It's gameplay is welcoming to new comers and has re playability to last for a long time. I say it's a buy

Score: 8.0