for a psp game this is quit impressive

User Rating: 10 | Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep PSP
as this game is for psp I wasn't expecting much feature wise in this game, but to have the ability to choose all the attacks that your character can do is quit impressive, this is the first game that I have played that you can do this on on both handheld and fully fledged consoles.

there are a few mini games with various levels of the mini games.

there is an ability to fight your friends or with your friends against waves of unversed through infrastructure mode, this could be better if online,
but it is only a psp game.

I am impressed with the length of the storyline, there are 3 storyline's for each of the characters that you can pick up and drop off at any time. then after you complete al 3 you get the ending of the game which is only a short chapter. but you can travel back through the worlds collecting missed items and finding hidden bosses which are insanely hard to beat.

the only real problem is that there where no real ties to the final fantasy series , it was mainly Disney characters, there could also have been more worlds to travel to.