well its kingdom hearts :D its always good

User Rating: 8 | Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep PSP
Okay so another addition to the kingdom hearts series. However in this game we go away from our main characters Sora, Riku, Kairi. This game is a prequel to the original series and is meant to give us a clearer picture of things. But to be honest your going to get a lot more confused before you start connecting the pieces up. The game has similar graphics to the PS2 series, its very fun and very addictive. Before i move on to what makes the game great you need to know the bad. You have to visit each world three times with three different characters and this can drag even though you visit different parts of the world it would be nicer if they visited different worlds. Also i didnt like the fact that you have to start from the begging every single time you beat it, and its always frustrating to level down so much especially after your used to having such great moves. So for those that didnt already play it, i suggest that you start with all three characters, and finish each level at a time, so it doesnt wear on you as much.
Okay now although you have to go to all worlds three times its always fun, each character has a different personality, different moves and different strengths and weaknesses that you can enjoy discovering. The gameplay is very fluid, and not at all glitchy so you will enjoy it. Its also the difficulty changes as you continue so it is very easy for a rookie to get used to the controls and squeeze the same experience as a more serious gamer. Also its a kingdom hearts series its always fun, trying to put the pieces together yourself and then challenging each theory as you move on you get a clearer picture but you would never guess what is going to happen. after a couple of hours of playing you stop trying to guess what is going to happen because it never comes true, the game is very spontaneous, and never fails to surprise. Definatley a game to play especially if your into RPG games it is a must buy. Kindgom hearts is one of the greatest series available in the market and worth every hour you spend. Also has a lot of replay value. However what i didnt like is that you dont need to level so much i mean your able to beat any boss any challenge at level 40 so people lose incentive to level up whereas other games where you need to reach atleast level 90 to beat the impossible infamous Sephiroth. whatever your age you will find something you love in this game and i think that everybody should try it, its a great game.