A memorable PS2 game that is really worth playing but it misses short in alot of ways.

User Rating: 8 | Killzone PS2
Killzone was supposed to be the Halo killer when it was released. But, it fell a little bit short of what Halo turned out to be. The game has a story that is decent and the gameplay is good.

The story takes off as you being certain captains, sort of in a chapter like story missions way. You play the ISA the Earth team pretty much. You fight of Helghast which are actual human colonists that colonizied a planet called Helghan that defromed them and made them stronger and more hostile.

Now to the gameplay......... The guns are very good and give you pretty much what youd want from a FPS, a good missle launcher, good assault rifles, an interestingly set up sniper rifle, and a normal pistol. The aiming is quite weird but its not weird enough to where its annoying. The grenade throwing is very awkward though. They try to hard in the gampley to make it as realistic as possible because the grenade throwing isnt all that great.

The sound FX and graphics are ok for there time. The sound seems very prehistoric compared to what other games have released even a year before this game.The graphics are good while playing and the cutscenes look great but while in the game the chracters talking to you seem to have there faces blurred while speaking.

All in All this a great game that i really enjoy and i am a big fan. If you own a PS2 pick this game up now for only 8$ its worth every penny and is a must play.