If not for the choppy graphics and inability to jump, Killlzone would be the best FPS on the PS2

User Rating: 8.5 | Killzone PS2
Killzone was once so hyped to be the "Halo Killer". Most people say it isn't...and they're correct. It would be, at least, it would come close(r) if the framerate wasn't so terrible. The guns sound and feel excellent, the characters are occasionally funny, if quite vulgar (especially Sgt. Rico Valesquez). Giving the player four different characters to use, each with their own strengths and weaknesses is really both a good and bad thing. For example, most of the time I would stay with Rico for like, three levels in a row, and hardly ever used Templar, who is the real main character. I didn't use him except in the first and second levels, if I remember correctly, because he was the only character available. And, sometimes, it becomes the wrong side of impossible (the impossible side) to use some characters, because all the weapons are hellishly inaccurate. Multiplayer, while not available online for me, is fun offline, even though the bots' AI is either horrible or cheap, even on the "easy" difficulty. Also: over the course of the campaign, after you get Rico in your party, you will hear the F-bomb in like, every subsequent mission, in almost every cutscene (that's why there's "Strong Language" in the ESRB rating), and it gets real old, real quick. If you can live with choppy graphics and no jumping (like me...but I use pain relievers), then Killzone will be a good addition to anyone's library. BUT, there is an enormous jump in difficulty starting after "Strange Company", and it never lets up on the slaughter (of YOU) after that point. However, this sounds really negative...most of this stuff is forgivable when you look at the core gameplay itself. Outside of a few encounters, I didn't mind dying and restarting. It would have been a joy, though, if checkpoints weren't so few and far-between. The Battlefields mode is really enjoyable, especially with two people playing. SO, even though with those gripes and stuff, at least Guerrilla TRIED to make the characters different and have complete personalities, unlike that FPS trilogy whose scores were (in this order): 9.0, 8.0, 9.0, where the characters are flat, so yeah, that helps with the score, you know?