Back to Helghan! Will we make it off alive?

User Rating: 9 | Killzone 3 PS3
As far as PS3 exclusives go, the killzone franchise is certainly one of the best. After having played through KZ1 and the brilliant KZ2, I awaited with bated breath for the final installment in the trilogy. It was worth waiting for!
This game rocks hard from start to finish and is so well paced that your adrenaline is constantly pumping. Enemies are clever and hard to put down, and there is an urgency in the atmosphere. New enemies are introduced as well as allies and, for the most part, play as they should, letting you be immersed into one of the most beautiful looking games you shall play, surpassing KZ2, which is a feat. Mainly it's due to it's change in environments as this time around, we get to explore the more deserted and botanical sides of Helghan, plus it's snowy arctic and oceans. The firefights are memorable and some are downright hard to get through! Plus one of the biggest boss fights you'll face since God of War. Amazing stuff.
The story is good, contrary to what some say, and you really feel like your stranded on a hostile, alien world, but can still throw a few spanners in the works. Gold.
Stealth and vehicle levels mix it up a bit and there is even a jetpack mission thrown in, All in all, Guerilla have done an amazing job. Nice one.