My question is "where's the sequel!?"

User Rating: 7.8 | Kid Icarus NES
Kid Icaruswas a platformer released on the Nintendo Entertainment system in 1986. Although it never gained too much popularity like Nintendo's other flagship characters, like Mario or Link, it did manage to snag a sequel in 1991 for the Game Boy, which also lacked the popularity neccesary for another sequel. After 2 decades of being off the public eye, Kid Icarus makes a return to the Wii's Virtual Console.

Although the story in Kid Icarus is almost non-existant, there is one. You play as an Angel, named Pit, who is out on a mission to save Angeland from Medusa. After that, that basically it. Those looking for a deep, involving stroy won't find it here. The actual gameplay portion, fortunately, makes up for it. Its a platformer at heart but there are also shooting elements that serve as Pit's propriatary method of combat against enemies. Pit is equipped with a bow and arrow that, when fired, will go a small amount of distance to reach its target. Throughout the game, Pit can gain upgrades that could help increase his attack power, but unfortunately there are no upgrades to speak of when distance is concerned. This can make combat frustrating at times because when enemies are flying at you from 50 different directions, it could help that your arrows could actually reach what you are trying to hit. To make things even more difficult, Pit starts the game off with about 4-hits worth of life but gradually gains health throughout, but regardless of your health quantity, one death and its back to the beginning of the level.

Although this review may make the game sound horrendous, its actually not. The actual platforming part is very well done. Its fun to jump around platform to platform and you get a sense of satisfaction narrowly dodging enemy attacks. There are about 13 levels in the game and you could finish the game in a couple of hours. But it could take you longer because of the shear challenge of the game. But because ofthe way the game is done, it never feels impossible and you always want to try again. Kid Icarus also provides so of the best soundtracks and effects ever to grace the NES. The music will get stuck in your head for days and keep you coming back for more. The graphics present a Greek theme with stone cinataurs and statues placed throughout and enemies that you would imagine could be in greek mythology...with the distinct exception of one. One enemy, known only as the Eggplant Wizard, flings eggplants around aiming for your head that, when contact is made, completely removes your ability to attack until you find a nurse that can remove the curse for you. All I have to say is WTF? All in all, Kid Icarus is a challenging game that is well worth the 500 Wii Points ($5). If not for anything else, its good to have it a nintendo collectable lol.