Gamespot be damned, Kid Icarus was amazing... all the way to the end! Also, no, it was not that difficult!

User Rating: 8.4 | Kid Icarus NES
For a game made 20 years ago, Kid Icarus was absolutely amazing for its time. Yes, it was challenging, but nothing notoriously challenging as Gamespot would suggest. Quite the contrary, the game was more forgiving than similar games of the era such as Gradius or Contra (without cheat codes). In fact, I would liken the difficulty of this game to the original Metroid.

Games of today are routinely much easier than those of yesterday. I completed Kid Icarus in its entirety, without a single cheat code, before hitting puberty.

Kid Icarus is a classic NES game. At its time, there was nothing quite like it, and it was one of those few games that felt rewarding to complete. This game deserves a sequal.