Fun fun fun

User Rating: 10 | Kid Icarus NES
Well, I downloaded this game a few days ago, and I loooooooooooooooove it. It is awesome.

First off, the gameplay. It's a basic jump and shoot game, where you're pretty much just going up a tower, shooting at enemies. The gameplay doesn't appear to change too much, but it is so much fun, that I don't care. The really good thing about this though, is that it is almost impossible. I can play a level 10, or 20 times, and still only get halfway up. This challenge is what makes the game so good.

Now for graphics. They're fine. They go well together, and, well, they're just plain fun. The only downside is sort of confusing. You see, when you power up, you change color. I don't get it, but it doesn't really matter.

Sound time! Anyway, the sound is good. It works for me. A little old fashion, but they go with the graphics, and make the whole thing work together. It's just nice.

You should get this game. For $5, you're sure to get hours and hours of fun.