The game was made to make you angry.

User Rating: 3.5 | Kid Icarus NES
Many people regard Kid Icarus as a classic. I still cannot figure out why. The frustrating levels, boring monsters, horrible glitches and slowdowns just seem like they are there to just make you angry. No, I did not play this back when it was first released, but I can say that it does not hold up today. The hard levels don't make it challenging, it makes it annoying, and you want to snap the Wiimote in half. I've put to much time into this game to only be at level 1-3 because of stupid glitches and how annoying it is to shoot an arrow at something. The learning curve kills this, along with just about everything else in this game. The only fun is found in the platforming, but it is interupted very very often by annoying, hard to hit, flying enemies. So, basically, skip Kid Icarus, it's not worth your time.