Good at bargain bin prices!

User Rating: 6.5 | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days X360
Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days is a perfect bargain bin title. It offers a quick romp through an adult third person shooter with lots of violence, cussing, blood and guns throughout. The story isn't anything great but is enough to hold your attention for it's short duration as well. At full launch retail price this game would likely leave you disappointed but seems to have much more value at half that price point.

Kane and Lynch 2 has just enough meat and potatoes to fulfill the needs of anyone looking to take some anger out on some virtual bodies. The guns are decent, the shooting seems to be fairly on target and the controls meld together smoothly on the over all experience. I clearly cannot say this game blew my mind, but there were a couple moments when I said to myself "woah" or "cool", really what more do you want from an average title.

There were a couple noticeable technical issues like the audio stopped working one time and the frame rate suffered with large explosions. Other than that the only other tech note to make is the graphics aren't anything to brag about, some textures look almost previous generation, but really not enough to make the game worse, just not near good enough to make it any better.

If you are looking for a cheap 5 or 6 hours where you can play a dirty shooter with lots of killing, lots of guns, lots of cussing and a lot of rage well this should fit the bill as you can get it for less than twenty bucks now. Knowing this game released at $60 does take off some shine though.