It's a full package, but does it deliver?

User Rating: 7.5 | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days X360
I've played the first Kane & Lynch, and I enjoyed it on so many levels. I don't know what it is, but when I'm playing a game that puts me in the middle of a bank heist I get really excited. Almost as if I'm suppose to rob banks in real life, but there's no way I would. However, Kane & Lynch 2 doesn't provide you with bank robbing missions during the campaign, instead they committed a whole arcade mode to doing nothing but robbery's. It's a nice addition to the game, but it's a pretty straight forward experience. Kane & Lynch 2 has a campaign, but the campaign is very short (Unless you're playing on Extreme difficulty). Sadly the campaign is also very one dimensional, you kill your enemies and that's that. But if you have someone to play with (co-op) then the campaign can be a lot more enjoyable, plus it gives you extra achievements. As for the story it's nothing special, basically you kill the wrong person and everyone's out to get you. I played the campaign on extreme and gamers be warned, it's pretty freaking frustrating. Enemies get harder the further you get, and sometimes a whole clip gets used when taking down a single enemy. My biggest complaint is when you take an enemy down, yet some find a way to get back up. It's like "Holy crap I just shot you 69 times, yet you're getting back up?" Aside from that is the multiplayer; it's there, and it's fun. The whole "Cops & Robbers" is a lot of fun, but not many people are playing Kane & Lynch 2 these days. Kane & Lynch 2 has a solid campaign, great arcade mode, fun multiplayer, but it still falls short. Overall it's a full package, but it doesn't deliver at its full potential.

Presentation: 8
The whole "YouTube" theme is nailed perfectly, but turn on the SteadyCam or you'll have one big headache.

Graphics: 8
The filters used in the game look great, but the character models and surroundings could be a lot better.

Sound: 8
The voice acting for Kane and lynch are top-notch, even if every other word is an F-Bomb. However, guns and explosions are pretty decent, nothing amazing.

Gameplay: 6
The cover system doesn't work the way it's suppose to. Seeing your enemies rise from the dead isn't fun either, especially when it takes a crap load of bullets to take them down. Aside from that it's your typical one way shooter.

Replay Value: 7
After the campaign (On Extreme) and arcade mode the only option left is multiplayer. The multiplayer is fun, but that's not going to keep your attention for long.