If you like to feel like being the protagonist of a movie, and do not mind the somehow painful gameplay..... you're in..

User Rating: 7 | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days X360
from the very beginning of the game, you will notice something different, you will feel that you've just opened you're TV and watching some show.... it is a very good beginning....

kane and lynch one again reunite, and this time in shanghai, lynch offers kane a deal and kane flies to china. and they meet... and (as usual) something off the the plan happens that redirect them and draw them from their initial goals and dump the 2 of them in HELL. they story keeps you guessing with plot twists that are cleverly done. And you keep your progression in the game to discover more and more about lynch and kane's personalities. but there's one downside to this story that it ends without answering too many questions that you start to ask while you progress in the game.... but after all... it is a typical gang crime story.

this is the best thing in the game. the camera is fantastically made as if there's really a man behind you holding a home camcorder. and when you start running the camera starts shaking heavily. coupled with filters and street lights flare in the the camera, all of these things make you believe that this is all recorded with home camera. and it is pretty neat. and the frame rate is awesome

the voice acting is also very very convincing and makes you forget that these characters are only some images generated by computer, you will care about them and get engaged with the action. both actors are very professorial and it is good to mention that the kane's voice actor is the same guy who provided voice for Alex shepherd in Silent Hill 5.

things get worse here, kane and lynch 2 is a typical 3rd person shooter game, with cover mechanic that is essential for survival. But it is fare to say that gameplay is a painful experience. controls are frustrating and aiming is difficult. it will take you some time to get used to its imperfect aiming mechanics but will find it a bit more rewarding once you have access to more powerful weapons. you can carry only 2 weapons. So think twice before picking up any weapon. and advice to always carry a shotgun. it has a wider range, one shot is enough to take out enemies, and can kill from a distance (although unrealistic) but it is cool. You can play the campaign all by yourself or cooperatively with someone else

it is good to mention that the game is somehow short, an it does not have a great replay value, but it has some interesting multi-player mechanics (I didn't play the online mode yet, so I can not review it here)

if you want to play a very good movie-like game and you are a player who is impressed by the presentation of the game. and you don't mind a mediocre gameplay... this game is worth checking out.