This game is really rather disapointing, like allot free mmorpg's out there.

User Rating: 5.7 | Kal Online PC
KALOnline is not really a nice game, it doesn't have original gameplay or special things that I havent seen over the years in other MMORPG's.

Lags? bugs?:
Like alot Free MMORPG's out there it has plenty lags and bugs.

The storyline is not that good either, this makes it rather boring since the players don't really want to help a new player. And when you play it on your own it is nice to have a nice storyline.

Not bad, maby even good for a free MMORPG, I just dont like this.
And ofcourse they look better on their website then in real.

You can only choose a Female Mage, Male Warrior and a MALE Archer. No good option to customize your character or even your gender.
Needless to say that this is REALLY dissapointing.

I do not recommend this game, although its not too bad.
It is just rather boring and you don't have enough things to play with in this game to make it really interesting.