This game had so much potential...

User Rating: 6 | Just Cause PS2
Seriously, how insane can a game be. I've played dozens of crazy games but never came across one quite as crap as this one is.
Really, this game is awful.

The stuff you'd expect on a PS1 console. Very badly textured and bug-filled making the character models look hideous.

Very bad, everything is all over the place and the main look of the game sucks. The camera angles are terribly annoying and all the environments are presented badly.

OK controls but coulda been a helluva lot better!

The game offers fun but the way the developers chose to portray it sucked. They coulda made this into a fabulous third-person game similar to Far Cry except of course in third-person. But they chose to make the game have as much violence and weapons that they ignored the main game. This game had so much freakin' potential. Hopefully the sequel won't be as terrible.

The game also had a very unstable framerate. It froze at points and the load times were incredibly long. Overall, I won't recommend to buy this unless you found a copy of it in your neighbour's trash can...