Well This One Came Out of Left Field...

User Rating: 7 | Just Cause X360
With all of the hype for so many other titles coming out for the Xbox 360 in fall 2006 there was apparently no room for extra hit or miss titles such as Just Cause. Well one day to my surprise after a hard day's work sat down at my computer and watched a full gameplay video of this game and was enthralled by it's eye candy. Especially on the oceanic view as Rico parasails above the island.

But please folks looks are far more deceiving than to be known...

Picture yourself immersed into a sandbox GTA-esque style game once again but only this time you're playing as a secret suave and sophisticated government agent and can do pretty much whatever you please with the exception of offing helpless civilians. No that's something Christ might do. The gameplay in terms of combat is interestingly griping at first, but extremely repeititous as you'll find yourself gunning down the same generic guards time after time again with no unique combos or attacks to perform other than POINT, CLICK SHOOT. The acrobatic moves however do put Just Cause at a slight advantage as Rico can perform manuevers even the almight JEEEHOD himself would go "Shciza, I can't even lift my hand to slap my hoeZ when I want to, how the FOK can he not only leap from a parasail to the tail of a plane, but jump like a grasshopper from boat to boat!?!?" But don't get me wrong, it's an awesome sight to see, but it'll make you be saying "Come on...COME ONN" after a few play throughs.

The final verdict here on graphics comes down to beautifully gorgeous designed environments which feel as tropical and exotic as being on or above a serene crystal clear ocean, or inhabiting a vividly emerald and bronze forest. The character models however, AHEM, could use W-O-R-K galore. I mean I could've sworn I saw mitten-hands on some enemies. Weren't we passed that after GTA: San Andreas??? I mean come on, why the blocky textures, no lip movement from enemies and even Rico himself except during cutscenes. The vehicles are decent but thats about it.

The tropical tunes are pleasant to one's ears especially when sailing over 1000 feet in the air, but the story and voice dialogue need tremendous work. It was like Eidos said "Okay we're going to create an AMAZING looking island but defacate all over the rest of the game" Other than that explosions and weapon effects are passable and Rico himself sounds believable.

Using the 360 controller to move Rico around feels pretty good at first but once you begin performing those immortal acrobatic performances it will and may tend to feel a bit off and somewhat off key. Other than this little glitch I think the control scheme is pretty solid for the most part with a few hiccups here and there.

I really thought this was going to be a sleeper hit. I really and truly did for some reason. That is until...I bought it. Don't get me wrong, although it will give you a run for your money for about the first 4 or 5 times through, it won't last much longer than a couple of weeks as it's repititous combat and unbelievable stunts will make you turn your head in awe and back away, put down the controller, turn back to your PC, unzip your pants and begin wanking away while holding the box of this game firmly in your left hand until you climax all over Rico's grill. That'll give you some relief and satisfaction. Overall, this is a weekend rental at most as it proves to be a quick and cheap thrill at best.