An amazing journey...

User Rating: 9.5 | Journey PS3
I wanted this game for a while now. I love unique games that nobody pays attention to. This game was quite a work of art.

First of all, this game is for the appreciative person. Not the "I want action and hope there's a buncha death and destruction involved" type of person. this game isn't much a game, but is more of a work of art. The way everything, like the character (or beings, whatever the hell these folks are) is interactive to one another is astonishing because you don't see that in many video games. When your character walks under a waterfall of sand, they shake the sand off themselves (not sure if that waterfall of sand thing made sense. Sandfall?) And the fact that every being is a cloth of sorts is pretty darn creative and really helps make the world look alive. On your journey, you'll find pieces of cloth waving about. You seem to take these simple pieces of cloth as a being, and not just a cloth. When they freeze and stop waving about, you get a sense of guilt as you try to warm it up but as you walk away, it ceases to flail around it's aura of joy and company, once more. As You stand on top of a mountain of sand, you look towards the mountain thinking, "I'm going THERE? Why?" That's what I love about this game. You question why you're doing this, yet you keep moving on.

The gameplay isn't much of an adventure game, but more of an adventure, or a moving work of art. You slide, walk, and glide around, slowly reaching that mountain that is there for you to scale and you alone. Or not alone! The multiplayer is strange. You don't join other peoples games. You just bump into people that are on the same journey as you are. Up to four people can journey together towards the mountaintop. The thing is, you don't get to see who they are until the end, which gives you that strange sense of anonymity towards on another.

The graphics on the other hand, are unbelievable. Every grain of sand sparkles in the sunlight. Vast deserts are detailed with sand in the air and the sound of wind, whizzing past your character.

Journey isn't just an adventure game, it's quite simply a journey to behold. Personally, I think this is an interpretation of the process of birth. But yaknow, whatever. Play this game. It's worth the price.