Good concept for a game, but sinks on so many levels...

User Rating: 4 | Jaws Unleashed XBOX
Being a huge Jaws fan, I wanted to play Jaws Unleashed since it came out 2 years ago, but the game was always too highly priced for my wallet. There was no way I was going to pay $50 or even $10 bucks for a game I knew had really bad reviews. However 2 years later, I was lucky to find a used copy at a pawn shop for $6 bucks. For $6 bucks you can't go wrong? right?....... Anyway, let's just say I'm glad I did not buy this piece of rotten fish brand new, and I ended up with an extra Xbox case for $6 bucks.

The camera is the real killer in this game. Although playing as Jaws is a great idea for a game, the lack of camera control just ruins the fun. Controlling the shark is very frustrating because of the poor camera controls. You find yourself getting trapped under a boat or a pier most of the time. Sharks are good swimmers, but not in this game!

Although, the shark and underwater scenes look fine for a 2006 Xbox game, other objects in the game like people, boats, buildings etc look very N64-ish. Very square and blocky looking.

In the underwater park level from Jaws 3, I found myself dying a hell of a lot, and I didn't know why? Was the water too warm for my cold blood? Did I get shot too much by the divers with the spear guns? Even when you die, the game is still confusing.

With all the major faults with this game, I did have some fun playing as the shark, eating swimmers and destroying boats. Such a great concept for a game! Too bad this one sinks to the bottom of the sea of terrible movie games. This game could be a really amazing playing experience, if done right. It deserves a re-make on one of the next gen systems, with better controls, graphics and sound.