James Cameron's Avatar, its two games in one, but I couldn't play it twice.....

User Rating: 7.5 | James Cameron's Avatar: The Game PS3
Avatar got slated, even before it was released. Bad press everywhere, best film ever.....worse game. That is very unfair. I read a couple player reviews & decided to risk it for a biscuit. Heres what I thought....

As it loads up, you get the impression they spent some time on the graphics, looks nice, nothing special, but nice. Pick a character & of you go. Now the first thing you notice about this game, is loading sequences. You have to go & speak to the general, on route to him you pause at doors while it catches up, it loads in the lift, its a bit last gen on loading times, but if you can over look this, theres a treat waiting. *(Spoiler alert) You then get to familar yourself with the weapons & a couple vehicles, again, not bad, its not anything special, but its enough to keep you entertained.
*Then comes a choice, a massive choice if your an inbred Na'vi or a rookie grunt! Who's side are you on? Well, I choose Marine, lets kick indiginous species butt! Glad I did, the marine side 1st, it keeps you captivated, keeps you looking for the next upgrade, keeps the story you choose interesting.
So as you progress, the next thing your notice is how easy it is. Once you master the pulse rifle, mutant dogs are in trouble!
A few different weapon/Armour/skills upgrades keep you checking the menu screen. I rattled through the last part of the marine game so quickly, just so easy, at one point I didn't get out of the vehicle I turned up in to assassinate this geezer, just blasted him from the air, 20 seconds at best! I think he was supposed to be the penultimate end of level boss!
So, after that, I loaded a new game, choose a new character, & yes you've guessed it, played as Na'vi. Oh my, so different, limited fire power, made for hand to hand combat, takes a bit of getting used to after blasting everything. Then theres climbing, oh my, so much climbing, dull alert! This is where my review ends, just finished another level & its taken its toll. Still, good as the marine, needs more patience as a Na'vi!