This is the best James bond game in the 21 century

User Rating: 9 | James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing PS2
Ok, when it comes to James Bond, many of their games haven't been doing very well(except golden eye for N64, best game of its time), but this one is the BEST I've ever played and maybe will ever play.
It's strengths are in its story and mission design as well as its great controls. It has a really good cinematic feel, that it can be bought as a DVD instead of a game and yes it is tactical gameplay.I mean you have to take cover into consideration a lot of times while playing the game,so though auto-aiming is easy, you just can't run around and shoot like a madman, it also has the best unarmed combat which sometimes go slow motion to really get you saying "That is the coolest move ever!". Also the objectives are varied and interesting, 1 mission for example has you chasing after a truck through a bridge then destroying it by using your heavily armed motorbike or another where you secretly(Metal Gear Solid style) infiltrate a hotel and try to pass through gaurds, cameras and lasers stealthily using your gadgets to help.There are also some wicked bond moment times where like 1 where you have to cross to the other side of the bridge by jumping a ramp and crossing part of a river. AWESOME!!!
The vehicular missions are best I've every seen, wether chasing a train, racing or jumping from rooftop to rooftop on a bike to get to some mines. They're fast past and have the coolest weopons(like missiles).
The co-op is a lot of fun to especially since it seems it was designed for co-op.Missions may have 1 player trying to disarm a bomb while the other covers him or 2 players have to open gates.
The only problem is that the aiming can be a little on the easy side and the Arena well sucks and is messed up, but apart from that its an awesom game.