James Bond. Good multiplayer. Good missions. Good game.

User Rating: 8.5 | James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire (Classics) XBOX
Good, good, good. Thats all this game is. Good, good, good. I barely noticed any flaws in this game. I like First-Person Shooters. Like Halo 3. James Bond is a good game. Like i just said.

First of all, i love the multiplayer. I love multiplayer games. Like Halo 3 again. I like doing VS mode. I like killing each other. They did a good job on it.

Second, the graphics are amazing! The environments, the levels, the stages, the characters. Its all good!!!!! Again, they did a fantastic job!

Third, the missions are pretty sweet. I like how u can play them like 3 times to get the gold rewards. I like looking around finding the icons after the 1st time. ITs fun. Again they did a great job.

And last, the controls. Thats the only downfall. I think its a little tincy wincy bit too sensitive. And the fact that i keep getting the left and right thumbstick controls messed up. =l

Overall, they did a fantastic job on this game. I never played any other James Bond games, but im giving this one, an 8.5 out of 10! Good job EA!