check out this bond game

User Rating: 8 | James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire (Classics) XBOX
Ever since i was 4 years old its always been that 007 was the king of cool the way he would get the girls and outgun an entire military faction was just soo awesome is it not? anyways u et to do that in this game u get to use the gadgets get the girls,guns and badguys with ballistic and frantic action. the only bad part sbout this game would be the framerate so if u got a problem with lag then dont bother with this game but if u can look past that and get to the game thats inside the lag, you will find urself well rewarded. if u go in lookin for a game like goldeneye or timesplitters then look away but if ur just lookin for a game thats gives u loads of action then this is ur game. -Sather