A great addition

User Rating: 9.4 | Jak 3 PS2
Not much has to be said about this game. If you were a fan of Jak II then you will like Jak III. Granted, Jak II is the superior game, but let's face it Jak II was insanely hard at some points. And getting 100%, forget about it. Jak III is scaled back a bit making it a more levelly entertaining and less frustrating. There was only a handful of minigames that were complex, most of them were simple, entertaining, and maybe slightly repetitive. The best new addition from Jak II is the vehicles. You are driving around the desert and the vehicles handle great, sometimes they make you want to toss your controller, but for the most part they handle just like you think they should. Another good addition is the fact that Jak goes from 4 guns to 12 guns. For the most part they are cool, except maybe for the second upgrade to the peacekeeper that flips enemies upside down, to what end I don't know. This game also has the best story of the trilogy with some amazing voice acting. The story is extremely entertaining and wraps up the storyline from the previous two games and leaves room for more sequels. I think I said the most important thing in the second line, if you liked Jak II you'll like Jak III. Same dark Jak, big guns, Dark Jak, and hoverboard.