After the first "Iron Man" game this one's questionable... but pulls through.

User Rating: 8.5 | Iron Man 2 PSP
From the bright eye-catching cover, to the glossy shine of Iron Man's armor, this game is right on the money. Coming along with the release of "Iron Man 2" (the movie), "Iron Man 2" (the game) has proven to be formidable as a sequel to the original game. As soon as you jump into Iron Man's shoes you get a good and strong sense of exactly what it is he does, and how much he likes it. So I only feel fit to break it down… in a sort of comparison to the original game for the PSP.

The Good:
-Both characters, Iron Man and War Machine, feel increasingly real, while still keeping their extraordinary sense of adventure
-Upgrades are much more fun to use and apply
-The choice between Iron Man and War Machine
-No real change in the control scheme from the original
-Character turns with the camera
-Detailed environments with no Jarvis saying "Are you lost sir?"
-Scanning ability for anywhere and anything, allowing you to configure how many enemies are in the area, how many weapons are on a boss, and current objectives
-Pause menu loads quickly
-Characters are visibly shiny
-L button used for secondary weapon, while R is used for primary weapon
-Many un-lockable costumes
-Way better hand to hand combat
-High-power finishing moves
-Tony Stark is more of a man on a mission
-Formidable enemies
-Good replay value

The Bad:
-Minimal height for flight
-No re-routing of the power
-No actual flying, only hovering
-No flipping vehicles
-Missions that do let you fly at great speeds feel more like mini-games or iphone apts.
-Cut-scenes look like pictures cut out of an Entertainment magazine that fade in and out, makes the game a little 2 dimensional

The Ugly:

There you have it ladies and gents. All in all, this game is worth way more than a rental. With all of the un-lockable content and high power action, I can't imagine being able to merely rent this. So yes, the original game does lay a couple of trump cards over the sequel, but this game gives you so much more than the other one could ever have. A pure success!