Even die hard fans would be advised to overlook this title.

User Rating: 2.8 | Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask PS2
The Inuyasha name has enjoyed popularity through its anime show on the cartoon network. This game is based primarily on the characters from the show and only adds a few new faces to spice up the video game. Unfortunetly, these characters are boring and tiresome if not just down right annoying.
The game begins by you chosing either a female or male lead character who is sucked into the feudal era after a short introduction sequence. From there you are introduced to Inuyasha and the rest of his companions shortly there after. If you have watched the show before you will recognize all the characters right away. The game loosely follows the storyline of the show, the group chasing after the evil demon Naraku. That is about all the story your going to get out of this game.
The game play graphics may be some of the worst in recent history. The characters are bubble shaped with huge eyes and no other facial expressions. They waddle when they move and tend to appear as if they are floating around instead of walking or running. This game also uses animated portraits, which i must say, do tend to look good. The facial expressions used tend to reflect their moods and they look much like they do in the TV series. The scenery in the game is rather bland and often reused from area to area. It can also be rather difficult to tell obstacles blocking your line of site. This wouldnt be such a problem if it wasnt for the battle problems.
In this game you are dragged into battle at a ridiculous rate. Every couple of steps you will be pulled into a battle. So as you are just trying to find your way into the next map, you will more than likely have to fight more battles than you would have wanted to fight in the whole dungeon. This is a problem because the battle gameplay is downright AWFUL. The graphics are weak at best and it is very sluggish. You can either chose to attack, defend, use a special attack, or use a team attack. Your turn is based on your position on the meter along with the enemies. When you reach the end of the meter you can attack. After you chose an attack, it takes about 10 to 15 seconds for your character to actually start the attack. After the wait, it is just a cheesy sword swipe with horendous sound effects. The special attacks have no special animation to them and are just as bad as the plain attacks. The team attacks use a special little anime sequence but each attack uses the same frames and moves as the others, but just replaces the characters. You can find yourself fighting one battle for 5 or more minutes, which adds up quickly when you must fight them one after another with about 5 steps inbetween. After the battle you gain the usual experience and money and may learn a new useless technique or team attack you will never use.
I suppose the one plus this game has is that the voice actors from the television series lend their voice acting to the characters in the game. For the most part, they do a fairly good job. But i'm sure that if they knew what they were getting into, they would have backed out instead of contributing to this low budget, hack project. I am a huge fan of this show and i cant recommend this to anyone of any age.