Open-ended gameplay may be cliche, but don't overlook this solid, original super-hero attempt. Expect a sequel.

User Rating: 9 | inFamous PS3
So the Grand Theft Auto series is the proverbial "God Father" of the open-ended world game, but that doesn't mean it has to be the only one. I could argue that GTAIV's latest attempt at being realistic actually hampered it's gameplay possibilities (really? I'm playing a video game and can watch virtual TV shows and go on the virtual internet? Why the hell would I waste my time doing that?)

With inFamous at least I have the chance now to take the role of a super-hero character with awesomely boner-inspiring lightning abilities. Unrealistic? Completely. The story is anything but non-fiction, so stick to GTAIV if you're looking for a world of believability.

But, in inFamous I can hover around a fully scalable city-scape, launch a baddie 30 feet in the air and shoot him in the head with a lightning bolt and then chuck a shock-grenade at the rest of his crew before his now, lifeless body even hits the ground.
That's awesome.

The animations are perfect and fluid. Watching Cole move effortlessly from rooftop to shingle to water pipe to railroad track is like watching an elegant dance. Jumping from a huge skyscraper is a vertigo-enducing rush that actually for once in a video game kind of made me ill to watch.

It may be on the repetitive side--using primarily your single-shot lightning attack, but the powers you unlock later with an XP-based system are soooo entertaining. I'll let you discover them for yourselves. Blowing up cars with an awesome shock is F-ing great.

The game's biggest let-down (but that's not saying alot, just saying it's the biggest flaw) is its graphics. Textures could be sharper, and some of the crowd animation could be better. But Cole himself and his lightning attacks are beautiful.

For us PS3 owners, this is a no-brainer to own. Expect the developers to make a sequel, and if they do, they just need to up the ante on the graphic/phsyics department (I'm thinking destructible buildings?) and you'll have a perfect 10 game.