Amazingly realistic

User Rating: 10 | IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover PC
I do have a pretty strong pc and the game have some stutters sometimes but nothing that would bother me a lot. On the low settings the game looks ugly. Guess it's what the gamespot reviewer did his graphics statements from . If you set the game on max settings it looks miles ahead of anything you have seen in the genre. The ground details are just jaw dropping. I wonder what his "so-so" and "low-fidelity" means actually. Wings of Prey is also very good looking game but not so advanced.
His "garish green-yelow" means probably he have never heard of a color calibrator and have never seen actual colors on his oversaturated screen. What I can agree with is a phenomenal cockpits and lighting. Cockpits are what occupies most part of a screen space during the game and you have never see anything even close to il2 cockpits yet, that makes the game visually so advanced. Sometimes the game looks so realistic that you forget it's a game. It looks so much different from all that fancy "cinematic" style you can find in other genres and games. It's one of the first games that looks not "cinematic" but rather "realistic" And I am even not talking about all the incredible damage effects.
The game is probably a bit ahead of a time for an average pc but nevertheless it's a big step forward for the genre.