Terrific CRPG with lot's of fighting..!

User Rating: 9.2 | Icewind Dale (DVD) PC
If you are the RPG gamer-type that is fond of many fights, tactical, skirmish and sometimes mayhem fighting then look no further.
This game is more fighting-enhanced than other games from the same creator's such as Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 for example. The game is based on 2nd edition D&D rules, and it is pretty straight forward even to new comers to CRPG games.
The creators of this game did a splendid job with the "Infinity" engine that makes the game possible to play. An inegnius blend of turn based (old style pen & paper D&D games) and real-time (for a fluid and quick gameplay), which enabls you to control your characters at any time and use micro-management when it is needed.

In this game you create a party of explorers, up to 6 memebers in total. Each character is created in the old-school way of D&D with points distribution, skills, spells and such... The game starts off quite hard in my opinion. As a matter of fact the game is hard, especially for new comers. Of course you can adjust game difficulty in real time through game-options making even the most ugly fights to possible fights...

The game is presented to the player in an isometric view, and you scroll through the game area like you would in a strategy game. This gives you a good overview of the gaming area and a better control of practically everything. This is better in my opinion than the 3D games (for example Neverwinter Nights) where you have to control the camera angle and tilt it and move it just to see what is coming up next... Also, CRPG's are better when you see your party in a *static* 3rd person view or as I call it bird's eye view, than a 1st person view (such as Wizardry8 or Heros of Might & Magic comes to mind...).
This view gives you a better "feel" of the party, the game, the environment and I think it kind of "connects" you better to your characters, as you can always see them. It also makes sense, think of it, who says that a party has to be always together..?!?!? Don't you send a scout ahead now & then to see what dangers lurk ahead?? This is something that is a *MUST* in IWD1 & 2 this I am telling you from my experience after finishing both 3 times already.

Graphics are just right IMHO. I generally think, that the gameplay issue is far more important than graphics or sound. But some people simply don't like the game due to it's lack luster graphics. Although this can improve if you install the game's expansion "Heart of Winter" which gives you the option of playing 800X600.

Sound & music are terrific, you hear the character's footsteps, weapon swings, hits, moans, and cried for help when they are injured. The game also has very good music tracks which really grab you and give you a midevil feel to it.

Overall, the game is trully immersive and profound. I think all aspects of D&D are covered in this game, when talking about 2nd LVL D&D rules... If you are a gamer that has patience and likes CRPG's then you must give this one a try. Don't be sceptic about it because it is old. This is quality and like they say "Quality never goes out of style" ... :-)