Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs is a fun game and a masterpiece on Ps2.

User Rating: 10 | Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs PS2
Intro: Just like the movie, Sid, Diego, Ma-nny, Ellie, those two possums and Buck find out about the dinosaurs that live underneath them. While that's going on, Sc-rat has a problem of his own. A girl of his species named Sc-ra-tte is trying to get his nut as well and Sc-rat must chose, will he have his nut or will he have Sc-ra-tte.

Game play: Sid, Diego and Buck's levels are like the 3D Grand Theft Auto games and the way it plays like it, it does a great job. Sc-rat and Sc-ra-tte's levels are like side-scrolling strategy type levels and it does a great job as well.

Smooth and nice visuals. The characters look just like the way they're supposed to be. The level layout and design and visual effects in the game look great as well.

Music and Sound:
Music score in the game sounds great. Sound effects are great and voice acting is great too.

X for jumping. Square for hitting. O for shooting (if you have a weapon and weapons are only on the Buck levels). Dual Shock left joystick for moving around.

Lasting Appeal:
It's a great game based off a great movie sequel. 10 out of 10.