WII..... Ice Age 2.........the melt down

User Rating: 7.1 | Ice Age 2: The Meltdown WII
To begin things off with Ice Age 2 for the WII..you play as Scrat the cute and loveable character from both Ice Age films. The whole goal is to collect a lot of nuts, duh. He loves nuts and is always after the one golden nut. You have to complete several min games with in the story line to continue. To move right along lets get right into the GOOD.....things in the game. A lot of people probably wonder how can you play a game like this on the wii, but its actually simple. You will use both the wii remote and the nunchuck. You use the analog stick on the nunchuck to move around and it's pretty simple. THe game is cute and childish, but don't let that stop you from playing it because its really fun. You will love all the characters that you meet from the films and may meet new ones as well. Its not a mind racking game that takes fro ever , its just plain fun. One thing that I found that I liked in combat you have to use the wii remote and shake it to attack enemies or to fight them off. Which makes it more inivative. BAD things.... The game is short and can be beaten quickly. There is not that many extras and not a whole lot of replay to it, unless you have small kids. Maybe a little over priced since not much replay value.
All in all , I enjoyed the game and had a great time playing it and would recommend to all, but if you don't have small kids then try renting it instead of buying.