I have no mouth and I must scream is one of the more original adventure games

User Rating: 9.3 | I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream PC
It's seriously underrated by gamespot. 4.3????? It has sinister atmosphere, great dialogue ( unfortunately very poor voice acting from a few characters) and it kept me playing it although I had better things to do. Absolutely incredible & intelligent story that made me actualy think of the game world as a plausible apocalypse of our civilisation. Graphics: I am playing it for the first time in march 2007, but the background graphics still look nice. The character models are kinda crappy even for when the game was released. However, overall the game looks good.

Sound: Voice acting varies from nice to very very poor ( Dr Nazi is the champion) . Music is fantastic and gives the game 75 % of the overall atmosphere.

Gameplay: on an WIN XP machine it's hard to get this to work properly. framerate is not so good and a lot of bugs, still the story and atmosphere keep it very playable and addictiuve. I actualy finished the game in just 3 sessions. I recommend it to everyone. I found out about this on a top 10 scariest games of all time. It wasn't scary at all, it's more like a psychological game with a lot of subtleties but I am very happy I played it.