Oh god I feel like I just got raped

User Rating: 1 | Hour of Victory X360
What I saw when I played this game can never be unseen and maybe just maybe I can stop some people from even playing this thinking well it cant be as bad as everyone says. And guess what your right its, worse.

The good

-It comes in this cool little box
-You can use the disk for Frisbee
-You can give it someone you really hate

The bad

-Its like giving your console Aids
-Geting kicked in the balls is about 5x more fun
-Watching an Uwe Boll film is more fun
-Playing it fells like getting kicked in the balls over and over again
-The voice acting oh god I dont even want to talk about it

Trust me when I saw that the bad section could be about 80x longer I just dont want to think about this game anymore. Its bad in every concievable way and should only be given to people in Guantanamo Bay.