User Rating: 1 | Hour of Victory X360
This is one of the worst games ever made. The money spent on it to produce such a piece of trash is utterly unbelievable. I guess that someone out there gets paid to check this game's not broken before it goes out, they should be tracked down and hung immediately.

"I knew a man, who knew a man, who met someone once"

That sentence is more entertaining that the whole of "Hour of my life lost that I won't get back escape to Victory"

People have been killed for less, it's so bad it makes me want to go out and buy it.

Oh I hope they do a full conversion to pc, we wouldn't won't people to miss out on such a gem!!!!!!!!!

I'm very angry that they can charge money for a game like this, someone should teach them a lesson.

I'm sticking with my marbles for entertainment in future.

Now where did I put my gun?

ps. I'm so glad I haven't played it!