This is honestly a disgrace to all WWII video games.

User Rating: 2 | Hour of Victory X360
This game is an absolute wreck. Everything about it is bad. The campaign is crap. The campaign is way too short and has a bunch of pointless missions, which means it basically has no story whatsoever. The multiplayer is crap. Nobody is playing this game online because it sucks so bad. The graphics are crap (People look like zombies O.O). It is WAY to easy. The artificial intelligence is really bad. You could walk up to an enemy and it would take him an hour to realize it the player (Exaggerating). And, well.... everything about it is absolute garbage. This is the worst WWII game I've ever played, and nothing in this game can simulate an actual war. This game felt completely rushed, and it looks as if Midway put barely put any time into this game. Games like this shouldn't even be on the shelves at the store. Do not even come close to this, and obviously don't buy it. THIS GAME IS COMPLETELY TERRIBLE!