Oh man... I actually couldn't play any more of this game after 15 minutes!

User Rating: 1 | Hour of Victory X360
Let me just say, that I didn't get a chance to download the demo via Xbox Live Marketplace. Man, was I stupid...

I picked this game up at my local EB Games today, because I had actually been looking forward to this game. I love WWII shooters, and I figured this would be another good addition to my collection. Well, after playing just 10 minutes of the Campaign mode and no more than 5 minutes online, I actually feel sick that I spent $63 on this piece of crap.

I mean, there is like nothing good about this game! First, it feels like a mix between Call of Duty and Medal of Honor, with the second fact that it sucks. I don't even know where to start talking bad about this review?

Hour of Victory puts you in a fictional account of the Nazi Army building an atomic bomb, and armed with the 3 best men the Allies have, you go on a series of missions to foil the Kraut's wishes. First, let me say that you do control the 3 best men in the army.... because these are by far the stupidest Krauts I've seen in any game! Trust me, I've played many WWII shooters, and I've seen a lot of stupid Krauts, but none of them even compare to this game's AI. I started the Campaign on Normal, like I always do, and it was just so easy getting through the first stage. I tried bumping it up one notch to Hard, and it was still a breeze. The Krauts literately sit there, let you get a chance to shoot them 3 or 4 times, and if you're a bad enough shot not to kill them in those 3-4 shots, then they start firing at you! Lol, I was like "Cmon already!"

Not only was there stupid AI, but the music that plays over and over throughout the levels is just an utter annoyance. So I went to Options to turn music off.... Oh wait, you can't! You have to listen to the music loop and loop over and over throughout the entire game! I couldn't bear it... 0_o;

The aiming sytem is not all that good. I don't know if it was just me, or if it was my gun that kept twisting and turning just as I was getting a good lock on the enemy... and when the enemy hits you, it knocks your aim all over the place. It made it nearly impossible to get a good "aim down sight", so for most of the level I was just shooting my gun from the waist hoping they hit the Krauts. I don't know why Midway bragged about this game using Unreal Engine 3.0? The graphics are mediocre to now-a-day Xbox 360 games! Call of Duty 3 looks MUCH better than this game does, this game would even have a hard time beating old Call of Duty 2's graphic system!

The voiceovers are annoying, and I wish it were only the subtitles after hearing a few of their voices. The action is very bland... I mean you are partnered with maybe 1 or 2 other soldiers and fight maybe 4-6 Krauts in one area.... you move on to next area.... another 4-6 krauts to kill.... etc. It isn't very exciting and was very dissapointing!

I got on Xbox Live after I gave up on Campaign mode figuring, "Oh well, maybe the online play will be good?" Lol, I pity my speech! First off, let me say that out of all the game modes and levels, I found a mere 2 Matches available, each having only 3-5 players in them. The gameplay seems slow, and the levels seemed small and closed in, with no realistic value to any of them. And what is up with that music that plays whenever someone on either team dies? It's enough to make you throw a controller! Completely dissapointed, and after playing for 5 minutes on a disgusting looking map with only 4 people, I gave up and took the so called "Hour of Victory" out of my Xbox 360's disk tray.... it did not deserve the honor of being played in such a great system.

I don't know how more I can bash this game...? Just another wannabe of the greater WWII shooters. If you're looking for a WWII FPS, DO NOT get this game! Buy Call of Duty 2 or 3, which is cheaper than this and a lot more enjoyable.

I am kicking myself in the place where sun don't shine for not playing the demo or listening to the people before I bought this horrific game. Like I stated before, I hate myself for spening $63 on this game when I could have bought Overlord or Pokemon Battle Revolutions... 2 other games I wanted but picked THIS over THEM... :( There is nothing great about this game, and if any of you others buy it, I promise you will most likely be just as dissapointed as me! - Jared Langston (Tyek1230)