Does the world need another WW2 FPS?

User Rating: 1.5 | Hour of Victory X360
Wow,this is the first thing that comes to mind when playing this.Never before have i played a game with such stupid A.I.

Seriously,you'll see enemies spawn and run at you,then come to a dead stop and let you shoot them. During the first 3 missions I saw: Enemy crouch out in the open,stand up for about 10 seconds then crouch again and all the while i was no more than 3 feet away and he never fired a shot at me.

Another instance:enemy takes cover behind wall,steps out and takes a few shots then went back into cover. Sounds like most other games..right? Well,when the guy is taking shots and missing by more than a mile, we have a problem.

The A.I destroys this game and takes any and all challenge away from it and there's just no point in even trying.

This game is also the buggiest you'll ever play. In four hours I experienced: 12 game crashes, tons of clipping, enemies spawning out of thin air, enemies falling through the floor, I feel through the floor and failing a mission for absolutely no reason.